Creating a Polished Video Interview: Do's and Don'ts

Creating a polished video interview requires careful planning and attention to detail. From setting up the perfect background to ensuring a clear connection, there are numerous elements to consider to make sure the interview reflects professionalism and clarity. In this article, we delve into the key do’s and don’ts that can make your video interview stand out for all the right reasons.

Before the interview, verify that your internet connection is stable, and that your camera and microphone are functioning correctly. This might involve a few test calls to see how everything sounds and looks. Having reliable technology in place will help you focus on the content of the interview rather than worrying about technical glitches.

Do: Prepare Thoroughly

Don't: Ignore Professionalism

Even though video interviews may be conducted remotely, it is important to dress the part. Avoid casual attire such as t-shirts or anything too informal. Dressing appropriately not only shows respect for the interview process but also sets the tone for the interaction. This also includes grooming, as appearing well-kept is part of a professional presentation.

Do: Engage Actively

Eye contact in a video interview signifies attentiveness and respect. It’s important to look at the camera rather than the screen, ensuring that the other participant feels fully engaged. This small adjustment in focus can foster a genuine connection and help convey sincerity and interest.